As you see above, I was not over-filling the measuring cup, and I didn't miscount the plastic bags, but somehow I could only make six quarter-cup servings out of a newly opened bag that should contain eight. Hmm.
Do the M&M people not know how to count? Do they use measuring cups that are different from our normal measuring cups? Did a thief slit open my bag of M&Ms, steal exactly a half cup, and then seamlessly reseal the bag?
Questions, questions.
Things I Learned in Law School:
8. Visits from Grandma are nice relaxations (Hi Grandma :) )
9. There is not time in the day to do everything you should do
10. No matter how much you study, it will never be enough
11. This is why law students are all crazy by the end of the first semester.
12. (Some of us were already crazy).
Just a thought but since ounce is both a size and a weight measurement, maybe if you weighed them you'd find it came closer to 8 oz. No doubt it will still fall short, the world being what it is, but it's likely illegal for it to be as far short of their claim as you found. Not that I'd expect the government to have time for such matters when their hands are full spending money we will never have on people who took risks and lost. Oh well. (end rant)